Start: Frogs and Friends
Indicators: Receptive Language (Listening) L1.1(3), L1.1(4), Expressive Language (Speaking) L2.1(3), L2.1(4), L2.2(3), L2.2(4), L2.3(3), L2.3(4), Number Sense, Quantity, and Operations M1.1(3), M1.1(4), Patterns, Sorting/Classifying, Reasoning M4.1(3), M4.1(4), Observation and Inquiry SC1.1(3), SC1.1(4)
Resources: 2023 Calendar Grid,
Calendar Heading and Pieces: July 2024,
Celebrating Holidays Questionnaire 2024,
Family Newsletter: Fireflies July 2024,
Weather Display 2023-24 PreschoolYou Will Need: - Calendar Grid/Pieces (see Resources)
- Weather Display/Pieces (see Resources)
- Birthday Calendar Pieces/Certificate (see Link)
- Holiday Questionnaires (see Resources)
- July Newsletter (see Link)
- digital device
- dry erase marker
- soothing music
- paper
- coloring tools
Welcome children with unique greetings each day.
- Sing "Aloha" together as a welcome song each day.
- Start the day with soothing music.
- Encourage children to greet each other with a handshake, high five, or a wave.
Sung to "Happy Birthday"Aloha to you.Aloha to you.Aloha, hello.Aloha to you!Calendar Time Support children's understanding of the passage of time with short activities.
Weather Observation Observe and compare weather changes over time.
- Show children images of different types of weather on a digital device. Which image best depicts the weather you are currently experiencing?
- Provide paper and coloring tools. Suggest children draw a rainy day at a pond.
- Check the weather forecast for the next three days, and then track if the forecast was accurate.
Daily Review Assess comprehension and recall skills with short theme-related activities.
- Send the June Newsletter home with the children. Encourage families to practice new skills with their children. The July Newsletter can be found at
- Ask children to recall the life cycle of a frog.
- Discuss the differences between a frog and a toad.
- Name other animals that might be found in or near a pond.
Pledge of Allegiance- Introduce the "Pledge of Allegiance." Demonstrate how to place your right hand over your heart as you recite the oath. Encourage children to say it with you once they begin to memorize it.
July Holidays:Families in your setting may be planning for the following holidays/observances this month:
- Fourth of July
- Al-Hijra
- National Disability Independence Day
There may be other holidays or observances that hold meaning to the children's families. Refer to the Celebrating Holidays Questionnaires (online resource) and consult families to help facilitate meaningful conversation and plan activities.