Art: View in Space, Part 2

Indicators: Measurement and Data M3.1(3), M3.1(4), Observation and Inquiry SC1.1(3), SC1.1(4), Earth Science and Environment SC4.1(3), SC4.1(4), Fine Motor Development PD3.1(3), PD3.1(4), PD3.3(3), PD3.3(4), Visual Arts CA1.1(3), CA1.1(4), Geography and Symbolic Representation SS2.1(3), SS2.1(4) (More...)

Resources: Space Art Prints

You Will Need:

Invite children to finish their space projects.

  1. Distribute the art prints again for children to look at while completing the project. Ask, "Which item in the image is the biggest? Which is the smallest?" Explain that the sun is bigger than Earth, and Earth is bigger than the moon.
  2. Give each child one tag circle. Invite children to decorate the circle as Earth. As they work, talk about how land, water, and clouds can be seen on our planet when viewed in outer space. We know this because astronauts and satellites have taken photos of Earth while in outer space.
  3. Offer one circle sticker to each child. The sticker will serve as the moon. Invite children to attach the sticker anywhere on the paper and color it as the moon. Then, bring out the suns the children painted yesterday (see Related Activities). Invite them to glue the sun and Earth where desired. Let the projects dry, and display them on a wall with the art prints (see Resources).

Related Activities:
Art: View in Space, Part 1 Children create an image of what outer space might look like with this two-part art project.