Recognition Cards
Indicators: Receptive Language (Listening and Understanding) DL1.1(B), DL1.1(L), DL1.1(M), Receptive Language (Listening) L1.1(3), L1.1(4), Expressive Language (Speaking) L2.1(3), L2.1(4), Number Sense, Quantity, and Operations M1.1(3), M1.1(4), Geometry and Spatial Sense M2.1(3), M2.1(4), Patterns, Sorting/Classifying, Reasoning M4.2(3)
(More...)Resources: Recognition CardsYou Will Need: - Recognition Cards (see Resources)
- coloring tools
- scissors
Print the Recognition Cards (see Resources). Write one numeral or shape on the center of each gingerbread card or fill in the boxes with a color. Cut apart the cards. Offer coloring tools and invite children to help you color the cards.
Divide the cards among the children so each child has one, and give one to yourself. Begin the game by saying, "I have __________." (Fill in with the number/shape/color you have.) Then say, "Who has __________?" (Choose a number/shape/color that has not been picked.) The child who has the card will then say, "I have (number/shape/color)," and ask who has a new number/shape/color. This is great practice for both recognition and memory recall!
Individualize: Support DLLs by using translations of the numbers/shapes/colors in their home languages. Encourage them to say the words in their home language and in English.
An alternative way to offer the activity is to print matching numerals/shapes/colors on cards, and challenge children to find the pairs. The cards can also be used for practicing letters.