Daily Basics: Counting Beads/Names on Stars

Indicators: Foundational Reading L3.4(3), L3.4(4), Writing L4.1(3), L4.1(4), Number Sense, Quantity, and Operations M1.1(3), M1.1(4), Observation and Inquiry SC1.1(3), SC1.1(4), Fine Motor Development PD3.1(3), PD3.1(4), Self-Awareness and Self-Concept SE1.1(3), SE1.1(4) (More...)

You Will Need:
  • beads
  • star cutouts
  • marker

Number, Color, or Shape: Place an amount of beads in each child's hands. Ask, "How many beads do you have?" Who has the least and the most? Did anyone get the same amount? Play again as interest lasts.

Alphabet Fun: Write each child's name on a star cutout. (If your group is small, consider writing random names on additional stars to create a larger pile of stars.) Mix up the stars and lay them out on a tabletop. Encourage children to find their names among the stars!