Bible Story Day 1: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray

Resources: Christian Newsletter: January 2024, Story Props: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray

You Will Need:

Introduction: Show the Story Treasure and invite the children to tell what they think the child is doing (see Related Activities). Ask the children to talk about times they pray. Do they pray before meals? Do they pray at bedtime? Are there other times they pray? Discuss whether they ever feel that they need help knowing how to pray.

Tell the Story: Before telling the story, become familiar with it so you can tell it in your own words. Read Matthew 6:5-15 and Luke 11:1-4, along with the paraphrase below. Print and cut apart the pictures that show the right and wrong way to pray (see Resources). Show the Story Props as you tell the story.

Jesus disciples often saw him praying. One day they asked Jesus to teach them to pray. (Show Jesus Teaching picture.) Jesus told them that there is a right way and a wrong way to pray. (Show The Wrong Way to Pray.) Jesus told them that some people show off when they pray. They go where everyone can see them and pray loudly. They are putting themselves first instead of putting God first. Jesus explained that it is better to go to a quiet place, close the door, and pray. (Show The Right Way to Pray picture.) Jesus knows that we can learn best when we have an example. So he gave an example of how to pray. (Show Jesus Teaching picture again.) We often call this prayer "The Lord's Prayer" or "The Model Prayer." He prayed: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (ESV).

Jesus taught us some important lessons about prayer. First, we need to put God first when we pray. We don't pray to show off how good we are or how smart we are. We pray to honor God. We can do this best in a quiet place where we can really think about what we are saying. Jesus did not begin by asking God for anything. Instead he began by giving praise and honor to God. He showed that he was ready to trust God by saying that he wanted God's will to be done. After praising God and expressing his trust, Jesus asked for only what he needed­—enough food for the day. Finally, Jesus showed us to ask for forgiveness and for help to do the right thing. An important thing to remember is that before we ask God for forgiveness, we need to look at our own hearts and be sure we are forgiving to others.

Story Treasure: Each month you collect a Story Treasure to use as a reminder of the story. This month's treasure is a photograph of a praying child. Allow the children to examine it and then place it in the Treasure Box. Continue to add treasures to the box throughout the year. From time to time bring them out to review the stories.

Related Activities:
Jesus Teaches Us to Pray - Introduction and Lesson Preparation This activity provides instructions for preparing to teach the story to children.