Bible Story Day 1: God Calls Samuel

Resources: Story Props: God Calls Samuel

You Will Need:
  • Bible
  • God Calls Samuel Story Props (see Resources)
  • craft paper
  • jumbo craft sticks
  • scissors
  • glue or tape
  • pictures of assorted places to sleep (bed, cot, sleeping bag, etc.)
  • box decorated like a treasure chest (see Related Activities)
  • Holy Land boy note (see Related Activities)

Introduction: Talk with children about different places people sleep. For example, in your room, the children may rest on cots or mats, and they sleep in beds at home. If possible, show pictures of several places for sleep, such as a sleeping bag, cot, bunk bed, twin bed, and full bed. Explain that today's Bible story takes place at night and the people are sleeping on mats.

Tell the Story: Before telling the story, become familiar with it so you can tell it in your own words. Read 1 Samuel 3 and review the paraphrase below. Cut out the Story Props (see Resources). Fold the Eli and Samuel pieces. Tape a craft stick between the folds of each and glue the sides together. Use the stick puppets and paper mats as you tell the story.

(Hold up the Samuel stick puppet.) Samuel was a boy who lived long ago. Even though he was young, he had an important job to do. He lived with Eli. (Hold up the Eli stick puppet.) Eli was the priest who served God. He was getting old and could not see well. Samuel was his helper.

One night Eli and Samuel went to bed. (Lay stick puppets on the paper mats with the sleeping side up.) While he was in bed, Samuel heard a voice calling his name. He got up and hurried to Eli to see what he needed. (Move Samuel puppet to Eli's bed.) "Here I am," said Samuel. "You called me." (Flip Eli puppet and lift to face Samuel.) Eli said, "I didn't call you Samuel. Go back to bed." Eli and Samuel went back to bed. (Lay both puppets on their mats with the sleeping faces on top.)

Again Samuel heard someone call his name. He got up and hurried to Eli to see what he needed. (Move Samuel puppet to Eli's bed.) "Here I am," said Samuel. "You called me." (Lift Eli puppet to face Samuel.) Eli said, "I didn't call you Samuel. Go back to bed." Eli and Samuel went back to bed. (Lay both puppets on their mats.)

A third time Samuel heard the voice calling his name. He got up and hurried to Eli to see what he needed. (Move Samuel puppet to Eli's bed.) "Here I am," said Samuel. "You called me." (Lift Eli puppet to face Samuel.) Eli said, "I didn't call you Samuel. It must be God that is calling you. Go back to bed. If he calls again, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.'" Eli and Samuel went back to bed. (Lay both puppets on their mats.)

Soon Samuel heard someone calling, "Samuel! Samuel!" (Lift Samuel puppet.) This time Samuel answered, "Speak, Lord, for your servant hears." Eli was right! God was calling Samuel. God spoke to Samuel and told him many things. He said that he was very unhappy with Eli's sons because they did wicked things. He was also unhappy that Eli had not stopped his sons from doing things that were wrong.

When Eli asked what God said, Samuel didn't want to say, but Eli told him to be truthful. Eli knew that God's message was true and he was not angry with Samuel. After that, Samuel grew and God was with him. After Eli died, Samuel became God's priest and shared God's word with the people.

Story Treasure: You will need to assemble this month's Story Treasure. Glue the Holy Land boy (see Related Activities) to the craft paper. The prop will remind children of Samuel on his mat at night. Place the Story Treasure in the treasure box. (If you started the Faith Lessons earlier, use the same box from before.) Continue to add Story Treasures to the box as each is introduced. From time to time, show a treasure and ask the children which story it helps them remember.

Related Activities:
God Calls Samuel: Introduction and Lesson Plan This activity provides an introduction to Christian Faith Lessons and ideas to prepare your classroom for the lesson.