Bible Story: Day 1 - Abraham Welcomes Visitors.

Resources: Story Props: Abraham Welcomes Visitors

You Will Need:

Set up a tent. If possible, set it up under a tree outside. Spread a blanket in front of the tent and sit on it. Invite the children to join you. Explain that today's story is about Abraham and Sarah, who lived in a tent. Tell the children that one day, unexpected visitors arrived. Encourage the children to share their ideas about how Abraham and Sarah reacted. Did they tell the visitors to leave? Did they offer them anything to eat or drink? Ask children to talk about what they do when they have visitors.

Bible Story Time
Tell the Story:
Before telling the story, read Genesis 18:1-15. Also, review the paraphrase below. Cut apart the Abraham Welcomes Visitors Story Props to make four picture cards (see Resources).

Show the Story Props as you tell the story in your own words.
(Show picture of Abraham sitting near tent.) Abraham and his wife Sarah lived in a tent under some shady trees. They had a good life. They had silver and gold. They had many cattle and other animals. They had servants to help with the work. But there was one thing they wanted and did not have - children. They were very old, and they were sure that it was too late for them to have a baby.

(Show picture of Abraham bowing to visitors.) In the middle of the day when it was hot outside, Abraham was sitting in the shade resting. He saw three visitors coming. He jumped up and ran to meet them. He bowed down and welcomed them. He invited them to sit down and rest in the shade. He offered them water to wash their hot, dusty feet. He asked Sarah to bake them some hot, fresh bread. He asked his servants to cook them some delicious meat.

(Show picture of feast.) Abraham served a feast! There was creamy white milk to drink and many good things to eat. As the men ate, Abraham waited on them like a servant, instead of joining the feast. He did everything he could to make them comfortable.

One of the visitors asked where Sarah was. Abraham answered that Sarah was in the tent. Then the visitor told Abraham some amazing news! He said that he would come back in a year and by that time, Sarah would have a baby boy! (Show picture of Sarah laughing.) When Sarah heard this news, she laughed. It was hard to believe that she could have a baby when she was old. But this message was from God! The visitor told Abraham that all things are possible for God. God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah. They had a baby boy when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90. They named the baby Isaac.

Story Treasure: The Story Treasure for this story is a tent cutout (see Related Activities). It will remind children of the tent where Abraham and Sarah lived. Place the tent in the treasure box. Continue to add Story Treasures to the box as each is introduced. From time to time, show a treasure and ask the children which story it helps them remember.

Family Newsletter:
Print and send home the Family Newsletter if you have not already done so (see Resources).

Related Activities:
Abraham Welcomes Visitors: Introduction and Lesson Preparation This activity provides instructions for preparing to teach the story to children.