Discuss/Do: Introduce Eating the Rainbow Theme
Indicators: Receptive Language (Listening) L1.1(3), L1.1(4), Expressive Language (Speaking) L2.1(3), L2.1(4), L2.2(3), L2.2(4), L2.3(3), L2.3(4), Writing L4.1(3), L4.1(4), Physical Health, Growth PD1.2(3), PD1.2(4), Visual Arts CA1.1(3), CA1.1(4), Self-Awareness and Self-Concept SE1.2(3), SE1.2(4)
(More...)You Will Need: - paper
- crayons OR markers'
- Sign Language Card (see Resources)
Family Participation: Ask families to send a fruit or vegetable with their children for the Fruit and Veggie Parade on Monday, April 9 (see Related Activity). You can allow children to bring their favorite fruits/veggies or assign a specific type for each child to bring.
Things to Talk About: Introduce the new theme. This theme is all about eating a rainbow of healthy fruits and vegetables. Talk about the children's favorite fruits and vegetables. Why do they like them? Did any of the children name the same favorites? They have something in common! As the children learn about fruits and vegetables during this theme, ask them if there is a variety they haven't tried. If possible, provide a sample to taste or point it out when you serve it during a meal.
Things to Do: Offer paper and crayons or markers. Invite children to draw a picture of a favorite fruit and favorite vegetable they like to eat. Label the pictures, and display on a wall for the remainder of the theme. Introduce the sign language symbol for eat. (see Resources).
Related Activities:Fruit and Veggie Parade Children have a fruit and veggie parade.