Bible Story: Day 1 - Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Resources: Christian Newsletter: April 2022,
Story Props: Jesus Enters JerusalemYou Will Need: - red cloth OR red paper
- Story Props (see Resources)
- picture of a donkey (see Related Activities)
- box decorated like a treasure chest
- scissors
- tape
- Bible
- Family Newsletter (see Resources)
Introduction:Before telling the story, make a path with red cloth or paper. Ask the children what they know about red carpet events. They may have seen an awards show on television or be aware of another event where famous people walk down a red carpet. Explain that this is a way of honoring people. Point out that Jesus is far more important than any celebrity on a red carpet! Tell them that when Jesus was on earth, one day people gathered to welcome him. They didn't roll out a red carpet, but they choose another way to honor him. Encourage them to listen closely to the story to find out what special way people honored Jesus.
Tell the Story: Before telling the story, read the Biblical account in Matthew 21: 1-11. Also, review the paraphrase below. Cut out the stand-up props from both Story Prop pages (see Resources). Tape the tabs together on each prop to form a base.
Stand the props in front of the children as you tell the story in your own words.
It was time for the Passover feast in Jerusalem. This was a special time to remember how God rescued his people from slavery in Egypt. Jesus and the disciples planned to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem. As they came near the city, Jesus sent two disciples to bring him a young donkey and its mother. Jesus told them where to get the donkeys. Jesus said, "Tell the man the Lord needs them." They found the donkeys exactly where Jesus said they would. They brought the donkeys to Jesus, and Jesus sat on the young one. (Show figure of Jesus on the donkey.)
Jesus rode the young donkey into Jerusalem. People were happy to see him. (Add pieces with people waving branches.) They waved palm branches and placed their coats on the ground in front of him. (Lay strip of palm branches and clothing in front of Jesus. Move figure along the path.) Clippety clop, clippety clop. The donkey carried Jesus along the path. Some people were shouting, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" Other people were shouting, "Hosanna in the highest!" They were celebrating Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem.
Jesus arrived as a kind and gentle king, on the back of a donkey. Sadly, in short time people would be shouting in angry voices, and Jesus would die on the cross. But on this happy day, the air was filled with praises for Jesus, the Lord of Lords.
Show children the picture of a donkey (Story Treasure). Explain that it will remind them of the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Place the Story Treasure in the treasure chest.
Related Activities:Easter: Jesus Enters Jerusalem - Introduction and Lesson Preparation This activity provides an introduction to the Easter: Jesus Enters Jerusalem lesson.