Bible Story: Day 1 - Creation of the World

Resources: Christian Newsletter: January 2022, Story Props: Creation of the World

You Will Need:

Introduction: Sit in a dark spot to introduce the story. Once the children are safely seated, cover the windows and turn out the lights. If you prefer, drape one or more blankets over a table and gather the children under the table. Ask the children how it feels to be in the dark. Explain that this is how the world was in the very beginning before anything was created. Turn on a flashlight. Ask the children how they feel now. Explain that in the beginning, there was only God. There was no light, there was no sky, and there was no water. There was nothing.

Shine the light on a Bible and encourage children to name it. Explain that the Bible has many stories to help us learn about God. Turn on the lights and invite children to listen closely to the story you will share today.

Tell the Story: Before telling the story, become familiar with it so you can tell it in your own words. Read Genesis 1:1-2:3. Also, review the paraphrase below. Print and cut apart the story props (see Resources). Show the pictures as you tell the story.

A long time ago, there was only darkness. God did something wonderful! He created the heavens and the earth. (Show Creation of the World Story Prop.) On the first day, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God called the light day and the darkness night. (Show Day 1-Light Story Prop.)

On the second day, God separated the sky from the water below. (Show Day 2-Sky Story Prop.) On the third day, God brought all of the water together to make seas, lakes, rivers, and streams. When he did that, dry ground appeared. God called the dry ground earth. He made lots of plants for the earth. He made the trees and beautiful flowers. (Show Day 3-Sea and Land Story Prop.)

On the fourth day, God made the sun to give us light during the day and the moon and stars to give us light at night. (Show Day 4-Sun, Moon, and Stars Story Prop.) On the fifth day, he made fish to swim in the water and birds to fly in the sky. (Show Day 5-Fish and Birds Story Prop.)

On the sixth day, God made all of the animals that live on the earth, from the tiny mice to the giant elephants! God knew someone was needed to take care of everything he had created, so he made the first man, Adam. He put Adam in charge of all of the animals. He wanted Adam to love him and take care of the earth. (Show Day 6-Adam and Animals Story Prop.)

On the seventh day, God looked around at everything he made and said, "It is good." He was pleased with everything he created. So, on the seventh day, God rested. (Show Day 7-God Rested Story Prop.)

God gave life to all living things—plants, fish, birds, animals, and people. He made everything from nothing. God created each of us. He loves us and takes good care of us.

Story Treasure: The Story Treasure for this story is a picture of the earth. It will remind children that God created the earth and everything in it. Place the earth picture in in the treasure box. (If you started the Faith Lessons earlier, use the treasure box from before.) Continue to add Story Treasures to the box as each is introduced. From time to time, show a treasure and ask the children which story it helps them remember.