Bible Story: Day 1 - David and Jonathan

Resources: Christian Newsletter: September 2021, Story Props: David and Jonathan

You Will Need:

Before You Start:
Cut out a paper doll chain to use as this month's Story Treasure. You can find a simple set of instructions here:

Before telling the story, talk briefly with the children about friendship. Show a photo of yourself with a friend. Tell the children a little about your friendship and why you are such good friends. Invite them to talk about their friends. Discuss ways they show friendship to each other. Do they like to sit together? Do they play games together? Do they ever give gifts to their friends?

Tell the Story:
Before telling the story, read the scripture (1 Samuel 18:1-5) to become familiar with it. Also, review the paraphrase below. Print and prepare the David and Jonathan Puppets (see Resources) following the directions on those pages.

Hold up the puppets as you tell the story. Begin by showing the side in which Jonathan is dressed in his royal clothes and has his sword, bow, and arrows and in which David is dressed plainly.

David and Jonathan were very different, but they were best friends. Jonathan was a prince. His father was King Saul. Jonathan lived in a palace and had many nice things. David was younger than Jonathan. He grew up in a family that owned sheep and he worked as a shepherd taking care of the sheep. While he watched the sheep, he often sang songs and played music. Later, he came to work for King Saul. Sometimes King Saul was in a bad mood. Listening to music made him feel better. So David would play music for him. He also helped King Saul in other ways. Even though David was not a prince like Jonathan, Jonathan liked him very much and they became best friends.

Because David was such a good friend, Jonathan decided to give him some gifts. First, he took off his own royal robe and gave it to David. That was a very nice gift! But that is not the only gift Jonathan gave David. He gave David his armor too! He even took off his sword and gave it to David, and then he gave David his belt and his bow and arrows! (Reverse puppets to show David with the gifts.)

Jonathan and David promised to always be friends. They both remembered their promise and continued to be friends as long as they lived.

David and Jonathan show us some important lessons about friendship. We see that people who are different from each other can still be very good friends. We see that friends are kind to each other and keep their promises.

Story Treasure:
The Story Treasure for this story is a strip of children holding hands. It will remind children of David and Jonathan's friendship. Place the strip of friends in the Treasure Box. Continue to add Story Treasures to the Treasure Box as each is introduced. From time to time, show a treasure and ask the children which story it helps them remember.