Build a Scarecrow

Indicators: Receptive Language (Listening) L1.1(0), L1.1(1), L1.1(2), Foundational Reading L3.1(0), L3.1(1), L3.1(2), Music CA2.1(0), CA2.1(1), CA2.1(2), CA2.2(0), CA2.2(1), CA2.2(2), Movement and Dance CA3.1(0), CA3.1(1), CA3.1(2), Culture, Family, and Community SS3.1(0), SS3.1(1), SS3.1(2) (More...)

Resources: Build a Scarecrow

You Will Need:

If possible, show the children a scarecrow. If the children have created their Silly Scarecrow Puppets (Related Activities) you may hold up one of those. You could also show a picture from a book or one from online. Explain that farmers sometimes make scarecrows and stand them in their fields. They hope the birds will think a person is in the field and will stay away. People also use scarecrows as fall decorations. If any are displayed nearby, be sure to mention that. Add actions as you lead the song below. Encourage the children to join in as they show interest and readiness.

Sung to "The Mulberry Bush" (see Resources)
We take some clothes and stuff them with straw.
We add a face and work gloves.
We place a hat on top of the head.
Look! It's a scarecrow!

Tips: Discoveries
Infants and toddlers are natural scientists! As they explore their world, they are constantly testing to find out what happens when they do different things. They may repeat an action over and over again to see if the same thing happens each time. This is a wonderful way for children to learn, but caution is in order. While turning knobs on toys to make things happen is great, turning knobs on things like stoves is dangerous. Offer a variety of interesting materials little ones can handle safely. Keep a close eye on them at all times to be sure they explore safely.

Related Activities:
Silly Scarecrow Puppet Children create colorful scarecrow stick puppets.