Daily Lesson Resources

Each year FunShine Express creates a Starter Pack for each age group to help teachers with a good start in their classrooms. All of these items are attached to FunShine Digital activities as they are needed. We are providing all of these items below to allow you to customize your daily lesson plans even more!

Print the items below, or purchase a printed Starter Pack (for 0-3 OR for 3-5 years) from FunShine Express here.

Infant & Toddler Ages 0-3 Year Starter Pack Printable Items

Color and Shape Display

Color and Shape Pieces

Alphabet Display

Alphabet Pieces

Weather Display and Pieces

Sign Language Poster

Emotions Cards

Preschool Ages 3-5 Year Starter Pack Printable Items

Number/Color/Shape Display

Number/Color/Shape Pieces

Weather Display & Pieces

Calendar Grid

Calendar Headings

A-Z Alphabet Displays